Podless Kubernetes
Sidecarless? Why not podless?
Sidecarless? Why not podless?
How Istio tests its networking proxy without Kubernetes, Docker, or root.
The common messaging around Istio Ambient Mesh is that is a "node proxy." For example, from The New Stack ... architecture that moves the proxy functionality from the pod-level to the node-level. While this is technically accurate, it is misleading and really missing the point and benefits of Ambient. A brief history of service mesh architectures This skips quite a bit of information, but is close enough. One of the earlier service meshes on the market was Linkerd 1 - not to be confused with Linkerd 2, which most people just call "Linkerd" today....
How to achieve an architecture similar to "Waypoint Proxies" without ambient mesh, or even Istio.