Istio PR Approvers
The following graph shows PR approvals for istio/istio since 2020. DevA 100 <-> DevB 50 indicates DevB approved 100 PRs from DevA, and DevA approved 50 PRs from DevB. The data was collected from our policy bot data and graphed using flourish: gcloud spanner databases execute-sql main --instance istio-policy-bot --project istio-testing --format=json --sql='select prr.Author as Approver, pr.Author as Author, count(*) from PullRequestReviews as prr join PullRequests as pr on pr.PullRequestNumber = prr.PullRequestNumber where SubmittedAt > "2020-01-01T00:00:00.00Z" and prr.state = "APPROVED" and prr.RepoName = "istio" group by Approver, Author' \ | jq '.rows[] | select((.[2]|tonumber) > 5) | .[1] + "," + .[0] + "," + .[2]' -r If the dynamic graph doesn't work a static version can be found here. ...